ITx 2016 Speakers

List of speakers for the ITx 2016 conference

This page contains the speaker list for ITx 2016, ordered by name. Check out the Programme as well.

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Chris Rolls

National Manager of Test Automation, The Testing Consultancy (TTC)

Chris is the National Manager of Test Automation for The Testing Consultancy (TTC), where he leads a team of talented Software Testing Professionals who help clients to improve their testing efforts through Test Automation and smart test design techniques.

Chris has consulting experience both locally and globally working for; banks and financial institutions, utilities companies, government organisations, high technology companies and more.

He has also presented at national conferences such as; Government Test Professionals Forum, BNZ Be Good With Testing, SAP User Group and WeTest National Conference

How Testing can help shape the future of Software Development

Tuesday 10:40am - 11:10am, TPN Testing Day (TPN Testing 1 Room)

Agile, DevOps , Lean, bi-modal, small teams, decentralisation, everyone is a “developer”, T-Shaped team members and Shift Left.

For many of us in Software Testing we hear these words and we are concerned, we hear a threat. What does this mean for our centralised testing services? Our carefully crafted testing processes? Our control? Our influence? Our budget?!?

For others, Agile has done more than any other IT initiative to bring credibility to the software testing profession. It has allowed us to collaborate with developers, and in fact has allowed us to become developers. We now feel part of the software delivery process, rather than the poor cousin crying wolf at the end of the waterfall.

As these trends play out what does the future hold for Software Development? And how can testing take a leading role in the changes ahead of us?

Chris Rolls will look at some of the larger trends within Software Development, such as smaller teams, a more iterative approach, and smaller projects of work. What challenges result from these approaches and how testing will be crucial to solving them.

Throughout the presentation we’ll see a vision of the future, where testing steps out of the “QA box” and takes a leading role in Software Development.