ITx 2016 Speakers

List of speakers for the ITx 2016 conference

This page contains the speaker list for ITx 2016, ordered by name. Check out the Programme as well.

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Zlatko Horvat

Senior Solution Designer, VIFX

Zlatko is a Senior Solution Designer with VIFX, specialising in the delivery of IT Service Management Solutions based on ITIL and other complementary industry best practices and standards.

With over 28 years of experience within the IT industry and practical knowledge of a broad range of service management tools and ITSM frameworks, Zlatko has helped organisations in a wide array of sectors in Europe, New Zealand and Australia to unlock the value in their organisations and achieve business goals.

The Age of Shadow IT

Monday 3:20pm - 3:50pm, itSMF Service Management conference (itSMFnz 2 Room)

We all know that Software as a Service (SaaS) apps have rapidly risen over the last several years and the "Shadow IT" phenomenon has turned out to be a bigger issue than many companies may have realised. If Shadow IT is occurring in your organisation, you need a plan. Come along to get some tips to better understand the Shadow IT mind set and clearly determine your role.

You will be surprised to hear that some business leaders believe that Shadow IT is a sign of innovation, helping them improve their business. From an IT perspective, the use of unapproved apps (Shadow IT) is a violation of company policy and other regulatory compliance requirements. Who is right? Do you want to support the transformation process as trusted advisors or do you want to reject the potential value of Shadow IT?

In this presentation you will learn about what is really happening with Shadow IT and the approaches you can take to identify and minimise the impact. Learn about which approaches will be most suitable depending on the level of exposure to Shadow IT, your organisation’s internal capabilities and dependence on cloud technologies.

Find out who is really driving the Shadow IT growth phenomenon, why it exists, and how you should respond to the challenge – essentially; how to bring Shadow IT out of the dark.

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