ITx 2016 Speakers

List of speakers for the ITx 2016 conference

This page contains the speaker list for ITx 2016, ordered by name. Check out the Programme as well.

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Tema Fenton-Coyne



Digitally Tika, Digital Natives , Digital Needs and Education of the Pehiaweri Marae Community

Tuesday 12:00pm - 12:30pm, CITRENZ Conference (CITRENZ 1 Room)

The Pehiaweri Marae community is nestled amongst the semi-rural, semi-urban areas of East Whangarei. The community envelops a growing population of 14,505 people, 4,041 of which identify themselves as Māori. Pehiaweri Marae sits in the heart of the community, hosting between 5-10 events and activities every week. This MBIE project seeks to understand the digital skills needs of the Pehiaweri Marae community and aims to deliver digital skill programs required to meet these needs. A Kaupapa Māori Action Research methodology will guide the research utilising online surveys, focus groups, interviews and pilot programs to provide the community flexible options to engage with the research. Preliminary outcomes of this research already show successes. In just nine months since commencing we established , the first and, currently, the only Marae-based code club in the world. Our overarching vision of this project is to inspire and connect curious minds, and foster digital skills in the community to increase digital literacy.