ITx 2016 Speakers

List of speakers for the ITx 2016 conference

This page contains the speaker list for ITx 2016, ordered by name. Check out the Programme as well.

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Rodger Perkins

Head of Technology Solutions, Assurity

Rodger is the Head of Technology Solutions at Assurity Consulting, and spends his time working to identify the best technology solutions enabling businesses and software delivery transformation. An important part of this role is using technology to free up valuable client time, enabling better outcomes. Rodger also helps his customers to marry their business plans to current and future technology.

Rodger has led testing for a succession of organisations, including EDS, HP and the Department of Internal Affairs, prior to joining Assurity four years ago. Rodger chairs the Wellington Test Professionals Network.

Testing in Everything

Wednesday 11:20am - 11:50am, TPN Testing Day (TPN Testing 1 Room)

The use and influence of technology has increased, now impacting every aspect of our lives. As a direct result the need for testing has also increased. Testing is now a vital element of everything and the way we test needs to change in order to keep pace with technology and consumer expectations.

In this talk, Rodger will introduce the future of testing, the next new wild, wild west - a place that needs to conquered. Testing now provides the ultimate solution, impacting everything.