ITx 2016 Conference Programme

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Open-source test automation tools – are they ready for prime-time?

Wednesday 12:00pm - 12:30pm, TPN Testing Day (TPN Testing Room)

There are many open-source tools for test automation. Should you consider using them for your project? Bevan McCabe covers what you need to know.

He'll cover the major testing types and the pros and cons of commercial tools versus open-source in each case.

Do you need to have a more technical test team when using open-source tools?

There's a trade-off between the expense a commercial tool, compared to the extra time needed for configuration of an open-source tool.

What can you do if the tool doesn't work? With a commercial tool you can contact the vendor's technical support; how about with open source tools?

While most of us have heard of Selenium and SoapUI, there are other tools out there.

TL – DR: "Yes, but … "

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Bevan McCabe

Technical Test Lead, Planit Software Testing

Bevan has been in IT for eighteen years; including eleven years of testing and four years of automated testing.

He has completed the Training Accreditation Programme and the ISTQB Advanced Test Analyst certificate.

Bevan's talents don't end in IT; he's also done stand-up comedy (come for the jokes, stay for the test automation insights ;-)