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The ITx 2016 Programme may change without notice
IT departments who operate as silos and are organised around deep disciplines, policies and processes won’t work for tomorrow’s world.
Most IT departments are tribal with specialist groups who speak their own dialect and have difficulty agreeing shared goals and values.
They collaborate awkwardly, if at all, making it impossible for IT to deliver faster, better and smarter business value outcomes.
ITSM has long advocated the service centric approach to IT enablement aided by process oriented frameworks/standards such as ITIL, COBIT, ISO/IEC20000. But these are mostly adopted in a bottom up approach with fragmented improvement initiatives that fail to deliver overall IT value.
IT4IT is a high level standard for managing the whole of IT with an enterprise service-centric architecture, and will show gaps in delivery and duplication of effort.
Kathryn Howard will show that by applying the guiding principles and operating model of IT4IT, then ITSM can step up to be tomorrow’s stewards of Information Technology.
ITSM Consultant, Visual Explanations
Kathryn Howard has 30 years experience in IT service delivery and service management. Understanding the need for IT to reinvent itself in order to address constantly changing business models, she is passionate about helping organisations achieve good governance of quality value service.
She has experience providing policy/process assessment, change programs and strategic service improvement initiatives in many prominent Australian financial institutions, telecommunications providers plus government agencies.
An international speaker, she has presented at Pink Elephant, itSMFUSA(Fusion), itSMFUK, itSMFNZ conferences and often for itSMF Australia. She has also spoken at SITS13 (London) and at ISACA CACS Oceania conferences (2012 & 2015).
Serving on the itSMF Australia board as Deputy Chair and as a former State Branch Chair, she is committed to the evolution of the customer service experience and adoption of governance standards and frameworks (ISO20000, ITIL, COBIT). She also believes evolving social media channels are key to delivering successful end-to-end customer service able to support and enhance business objectives and is prominent in this space on twitter and facebook.