ITx 2016 Conference Programme

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Fit for the Future - Preparing Business for Digital Change

Tuesday 3:20pm - 3:50pm, IITP Conference (IITP Room 1)

What changed IT into business technology and what do business leaders need to understand? How can IT leaders transform their organisations to be digitally-savvy?

Digital technologies are extending the reach of traditional IT into new areas of the business and beyond traditional business boundaries. This brings new opportunities and challenges that need new skills and a new approach from IT and business leaders.

Lynley Lee will show why boards and managers need to become engaged with business technology and digital trends.

She will provide an easy to follow integrated plan of activities that will transform IT and lead business change; creating digital workspaces and opening up digital marketplaces without borders or boundaries.

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Lynley Lee

Principal Consultant, Peritia Ltd

Lynley Lee is a member of IoD and NZIITP, and is a highly experienced CIO and consultant with more than 20 years experience working for large New Zealand and multi-national businesses, and Government and Local Authority organisations.

Lynley is currently applying her experience and knowledge in consultancy and advisory roles with boards, executive, business owners and management teams.