ITx 2016 Conference Programme

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Leveraging the SFIA and COBIT Frameworks Together

Tuesday 11:20am - 11:50am, IITP Conference (IITP Room 1)

In this presentation, Daniel Merriott guides us through the challenges and benefits of combining SFIA and COBIT to define the skills needed to govern and manage and operate enterprise IT.

It creates a powerful and flexible toolset that can help an organisation to define a position description and which of the COBIT controls are performed by which individuals, and where potential gaps may exists.

COBIT defines the key elements of the IT operating model from a governance and management perspective. SFIA helps us understand the levels of responsibility we would need to apply in order for these governance and management controls to be effective.

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Daniel Merriott

Principal Consultant, BSMimpact

Daniel Merriott is a Principal Consultant for BSMimpact, based in Auckland, and one of the leading experts in SFIA operating across New Zealand and Australia.

Daniel’s consulting experience includes advisory and consulting work for government, commercial, and non-profit organisations covering topics such as organisational design, IT strategy, and performance management challenges.

In addition to consulting on SFIA, Daniel also trains organisations and individuals in using SFIA, including providing training on carrying out SFIA based assessments and interviews, developing role profiles, and using SFIA for organisational and individual development.

Daniel is an Accredited SFIA Consultant, Chartered IT Professional, a Member of the IITP, and a Fellow of the Institute of Management NZ.