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The ITx 2016 Programme may change without notice
It happened to the UK's National Health System (NHS) and United States' Obamacare, and to Auckland Supercity's IT costs and Novopay.
These all look like “Black Swans” (high-impact events that are rare and unpredictable but in retrospect seem not so improbable).
What went so wrong? Why did these happen?
Research shows that
• One in six IT projects is a black swan, with a cost overrun of 200%, on average
• Developers struggle to combine different software systems
• 60% of managers report major conflicts between project and line organisations
This talk will propose how to “detect” emerging signals when there is still time to do rapid corrections and minimise a potential black swan event.
CEO and Founder, Open Parallel Ltd
Nicolas Erdody is the CEO and Founder of Open Parallel Ltd.
Since 2013, Open Parallel became the Work Package Manager for the Software Development Environment for the Central Signal Processor (CSP) of the Square Kilometre Array radio-telescope (SKA) - the largest scientific and engineering instrument in the world, to be built in the coming decade.
Nicolas is also Conference Director of Multicore World, a global specialised think-tank in High Performance, Cloud, Mobile and Parallel Computing.
His background is in engineering, education and venture capital and holds a Master of Entrepreneurship from the University of Otago.
He lives in Oamaru and knows how to ask for a beer in five human languages.