ITx 2016 Conference Programme

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How software engineering principles are central to next-generation medical research

Monday 11:30am - 12:00pm, IITP Conference (IITP Room 2)

Software engineering innovations will transform medical science.

Computational physiology is an emerging field that seeks to use computer-simulatable mathematical models of healthy and diseased states to understand how disease will progress and, ultimately, what treatments are likely to be effective.

Such models are part of the transformation to 'personalised medicine'.

As more complex models are in demand, model-builders face challenges similar to those faced by the developers of complex software systems. These include wide-ranging issues of re-use, maintenance, and portability, and operational issues in version control, validating output and deployment.

Conventional methods in science have, until recently, largely ignored these considerations. As it becomes counter-productive to continue to ignore them, local research together with that from international collaborators, provides practical advice to address them.


Mike Cooling

Systems Biomedicine Group Lead, University of Auckland

Mike worked as a contract software developer (primarily) developing n-tier systems for banks before embarking on research in systems biology.

Mike leads the Systems Biomedicine Group at the University of Auckland, which develops computational models to derive insights on the human cardiovascular and immune systems.

The group also develops principles, methods and tools for computer-assisted model construction and analysis.

Mike is an elected Editor of the global model-exchange protocol CellML, and an Aotearoa Foundation Fellow.