ITx 2016 Conference Programme

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Enhancing students' IS offshoring capabilities: An international blended teaching concept

Tuesday 10:40am - 11:10am, CITRENZ Conference (CITRENZ 1 Room)

An appreciation of globalisation issues by information systems (IS) graduates is a growing requirement of organisations with global reach. This paper discusses the planning of a joint course to be delivered online and face to face by two lecturers representing two tertiary institutes in Germany and New Zealand respectively. The IS offshoring content of the course is relatively unique and aspects of globalisation will be demonstrated through the dual country delivery of the course. The two lecturers involved have spent time lecturing and studying in their global partner’s country and tertiary institutes and so this joint delivery method is likely to also strengthen cultural ties between the two participating institutions including the students involved. Further research goals and issues are discussed for post-delivery of this dual country blended course. This paper provides a basis for this concept to be evaluated in further research.

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David Skelton

