ITx 2016 Conference Programme

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The Problem with Projects

Wednesday 12:00pm - 12:30pm, PMI IT Project Management Day (PMI Project Room)

Grant will be talking on the problems of risk homeostasis and risk appetite in projects, the importance of balancing the CORA triangle – Capabilities improvement, Outcome aspirations, and Risk Appetite – and the need for strengthened risk management, heroism, and leadership in projects.
Using lessons learned from recent research on personal and organisational risk taking, and case examples from Everest and Antarctica, this talk provides powerful insights into the causes of project and programme failure, and how to solve them.
If you are a business executive leading change, a project sponsor, or a PMO or project manager, this is a talk for you.

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Grant Avery

IQA Consultant, Outcome Insights

Grant Avery, MBA (Distinction), PMP, is a major projects IQA consultant and international speaker on the subject of risk, quality assurance, business cases, and capability maturity models in project and programme management. Grant is co-author of the 2014/15 update of the P3M3® (v3) maturity model, and an official reviewer for the British Government of “MSP® (Managing Successful Programmes) Survival Guide for SROs” (TSO, 2016) and the “MSP® Pocket Book” (TSO, 2011).
Earlier in his career Grant developed a unique perspective on the successful management of project and programme risks from the experiences he gained as manager of New Zealand’s Scott Base in Antarctica. Grant’s Antarctic responsibilities included the success of NZ’s winter science programme and winter search and rescue activities in the Ross Sea region.
Grant is author of the internationally acclaimed “Project Management, Denial, and the Death Zone” (with foreword by Sir Ranulph Fiennes) JRoss Publishing Inc 2016, and recently spoke on the book for the British Cabinet Office’s Infrastructure and Project’s Authority, and PMI’s Global Congress (EMEA, Barcelona).