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The ITx 2016 Programme may change without notice
Sometimes it can seem that the strategy for testing is something written in stone, copied and pasted unchanged from one project to the next.
The last decade has been a game changer for IT - seeing new frameworks such as agile rise in dominance, to the very way we consume technical and data service radically change with the introduction of handheld devices.
Suddenly, "what we've always done" has it's own risks. Mike Talks will take you through some of the lures and the traps in test strategy.
Mike Talks has worked as a tester in New Zealand for 7 years. Over his time in testing he's worked on items such as aircraft avionics systems, to web applications to help you find ways to save money around the house. With such varied experience, it's obviously one size of testing does not fit all!
Mike has worked as a lead reviewer on Lisa Crispins and Janet Gregories More Agile Testing, and is a frequently published author in his own right.
He has presented at Lets Test Oz in 2014 and Agile NZ 2015, as well having presented frequently at WeTest.