ITx 2016 Conference Programme

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Practical Agile

Wednesday 1:20pm - 2:20pm, Agile Day (Agile Room)

This presentation introduces a practical approach to implementing the Agile methodology.

It highlights the following seven common problems with Agile projects:
• Unrealistic expectations
• Inability to meet customer needs and expectations
• Using generalists when specialists are needed
• Forgetting that schedules are real
• Lack of respect
• Difficulty integrating with non-Agile groups
• Rigidly adhering to “Agile processes”

Each of these problem areas is explored and solutions are presented to help deal with and overcome the problems.

The presentation includes a number of case studies and real world examples of both successful and unsuccessful Agile projects and compares what works and what doesn’t against different project scenarios.

This information is useful for those just embarking on their Agile adventures as well as for veterans of both successful and unsuccessful projects. Attendees will leave with an awareness of the warning signs of project problems and will have the ability to address problems before they wreak havoc with the project. This presentation is suitable for individuals within Agile teams, Scrum masters, project stakeholders, project managers and management.


Judy McKay

Senior Test Consultant, Planit Software Testing

Judy McKay has spent the last 25+ years working in the IT industry with a particular focus on software quality assurance and software testing.

She has managed departments across all aspects of the software lifecycle, including requirements design and analysis, software development, database design, software quality assurance, software testing, technical support, professional services, configuration management, technical publications and software licensing.

Her career has spanned across commercial software companies, aerospace, foreign-owned R&D, networking and various internet companies.

Judy has had her own software testing consulting and training business and has also conducting training seminars for several organizations.

She is the author of two books: "Managing the Test People" discusses building and maintaining an effective software testing organization. "A Software Test Engineer's Handbook" is a soup to nuts testing manual that also serves as a preparation for the ISTQB Advanced Test Analyst and Advanced Technical Test Analyst Certification Exams.

She is the vice president of the ASTQB (the American Board of the ISTQB), and works at Planit Software Testing in Christchurch, New Zealand.