ITx 2016 Conference Programme

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The Age of IT Enlightenment

Wednesday 4:40pm - 5:20pm, Keynote Presentation

Ever since the demigod called IT fell from its pedestal in the eighties, the relationship between IT and the business has been dysfunctional.

Disgruntled that, despite having done its best, it was blamed for losing the plot, IT adopted a defensive “just tell us what to do and then it’s your fault when it goes wrong” attitude. “And by the way, you have to sign these incomprehensible service level agreements, follow our Kafkaesque procedures and pretend to understand our techno-drivel, otherwise something might happen to your servers. You don’t want something to happen to your servers now, do you?”

In fifty years’ time, will we look back at this period as the end of the dark ages of IT? The good news is that, slowly but surely, people seem to be realising that it’s time for a change. A radical change. A new way of looking at things, instead of obsessively looking at new things in old ways, and being disappointed that it doesn’t get them anywhere.

Mark Smalley calls this the IT Enlightenment Movement and presents the fundamentals in this international keynote.

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Mark Smalley

Ambassador, ASL BiSL Foundation (The Netherlands)

Mark Smalley, based in the Netherlands, is an IT Management Consultant at Smalley.IT and Ambassador at the non-profit ASL BiSL Foundation.

He is also affiliated with AllThingsITSM, APMG International, BrightTALK, BRM Institute, GamingWorks, IT4IT Forum, ITPreneurs, Pink Elephant, Taking Service Forward, Topconf, and Van Haren Publishing.

Mark is specialised in Application Management and Business Information Management and has reached out to thousands of IT professionals at more than 100 events in more than 20 countries.

Connect with him @marksmalley &